Salut le peuple!
Aujourd'hui je vous présente un post assez spécial. J'ai été invitée à répondre à certaines questions de la part des blogueuses trop gentilles et cools The Happy Sloths. Ce sont deux cousines, Angela & Jasmine passionnées de beauté, très actives sur leur blog. Je vous conseille d'y jeter un oeil, elles ont des recettes de gâteau de ouf, des nail art vraiment superbes et plein d'articles intéressants et utiles :)
Donc c'est un petit jeu entre blogueuses qui se font une chaîne de questions/réponses. Je vais donc "nominer" d'autres blogueuses à participer à mon petit questionnaire.
Voici leurs questions (en V.O)
1. Holographic, magnetic, flakie, shatter, or textured polish?

2. What's your favorite store to shop at?
Mmmm... It depends what for. Some hipster clothes items and weird useless gadgets I would say Urban outfitters. Cheap everyday clothes, it would be Forever 21. Beauty stuff, it would be at Sephora, La Baie and Shoppers (Pharmaprix). But I love discovering, so a lot of them I buy everywhere (small shops on St-Laurent or in the mile-end)
3. What is your ideal topping on a hot dog?
Mustard and Ketchup! Yup yup that Combo!
4. Do you wear heels, how many pairs do you own?

(I actually have the ones on this picture, really comfy)
5. Where do you want to live when you retire?
Maybe back to Mauritius could be a good start :) (I took this picture! so proud lol, it's the Crystal Rock in Mauritius)
6. If you could take on any occupation in the world, what would it be?
Jewellery designer or.... married to a rich husband (that's a JOKE), you can have a look on my facebook page (Clic Clic)
7. What's the most recent movie you saw and what did you think of it?
Ip Man and Legend of the Drunken Master, I just had a nerdy/geeky kung-fu movie night with my Bf. I miss those movies :) You don't really need to think, which is nice.
8. What is the most expensive item in your wardrobe?

Thank you the Happy Sloths! That was fun!
Bon à mon tour, je vais nominer:
Mes questions sont les suivantes:
1. Vanille ou Chocolat?
2. Quelle est votre accessoire passe-partout dans vos tenues?
3. Quelle est votre marque préférée de vernis? Pourquoi :)
4. Quelle est votre inspiration mode?
5. Votre paradis terrestre?
6. Votre chanson du moment?
J'espère que vous jouerez le jeu :)
wooohoo you are so fast! so nice of you to respond in english ^^
RépondreSupprimeryou are so right about holographic polish being easier to remove than the other types!
Also lovely picture! I would love to visit there one day...